Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're Back!

It's been a wonderfully tiring week in West Virginia!  Our humble crew of 12 accomplished a great deal these last several days and we can't wait to share it with you!  Tomorrow, Sunday July 17, come see what NSCC has done for the wonderful people of Appalachia.  The morning service begins at 10:30...don't miss it :)

In the mean time (and if you can't make it to church), here's a little preview of our week:

Sunday:  Arrive at ASP in Harts, WV.  Introductions and dinner followed by work site assignments and supplies overview.  First time hearing that we will be working without any professional help!  AHHH!  Brandon's construction background will help his crew get the job done and Jen, with unwavering confidence, tells her crew, "no worries, we've got this!"

Monday:  Both crews travel to their respective work sites and meet the families they will be serving!  The Jen Crew will be replacing band joists and putting up siding.  The Brandon Crew is to level and finish a hallway flooring and replace the roofing.  Diving right in, both put in a hard days work!
Highlight - Jen's crew gets a crash course on the all powerful "SAWZALL!"

Tuesday:  Settling into the routine.  Getting to know the 3 other church teams at the ASP center and making new friends.  A few troubles with scheduling and food shortages can't keep us down!  Another hard days work and we're feelin fine...
Highlight - Austin rescues puppy from a deep hole under the house!

Wednesday:  Progress is a bit slow due to new supplies failing to arrive, but spirits are high and there's always work to do!  J Crew is rocking the learning curve and loving hanging with their work site family and the many dogs and cats that live there ;) B Crew has gotten "in" with their work site family and have succeeded in eating lunch with them (after 5 weeks, they're the first!).
Highlight - A "warm fuzzies" wall has been erected with baggies for each person to receive notes of encouragement from fellow team members.

Thursday:  Productive day roofing for B Crew and J Crew has begun siding.  Things are looking up!  Big plans to finish strong.  So far, everyone has been getting along very well and already deemed this mission trip "one of the best!"
Highlight - BBQ and swimming at nearby lake for crews and their work families!

Friday:  Final day, working hard to get as much done as possible.  J Crew have completed two full sections of the house!  B Crew only able to roof half due to supply shortage :(
Highlight: Josh Adkins, age 12 and the only child in the B Crew work site fam, has accepted Christ!!!!  Hallelujah!

Everyone arrived home safely this evening thanks to your prayers and contributions.  Thank you to everyone! Yet another successful week of service by the NSCC Mission Team!  To God be the glory!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday Update

Hello from the missions field! It is day 5 of our trip, but only day 3 of our ASP adventure. Our team has been split into 2 working groups, each with their own house projects for the week. Brandon's group (daniel, josh, nick, adele, josiah) has been roofing, flooring and putting up flashing. Jen's group (sasha, sarah, austin, james, alex) has been installing vinyl siding, building new band joists, and resisting the temptation to slack off to play with one of the many puppies and kittens at their site.

Despite the challenges of working in 95 degree heat, both crews have been enjoying this wonderful new experience! Each day we get to know our site families better and have felt blessed by this opportunity to share our lives with them this week.

If you've been wondering why your calls to our team members (to pump them for more juicy trip details, no doubt) have been unsuccessful, it's because the mountainous area we're staying in has no cell service. Up until last night, we also thought it was without wifi capabilities - thank goodness we were wrong!

Stay tuned for more updates tomorrow.

In Christ, Jen

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Almost there!!

Can't believe were are only 4 days from departure!  The last couple weeks have been insane with summer activities, but we have finally arrived at the pinnacle of the NSCC summer programs...the Appalachia mission trip!  Everything has led up to this, guys.  All your hard work and fund raising will enable us to impact a destitute area of our own country in the name of Jesus!  THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!

Family and friends: Please remember to pray for us!

Don't forget our final meeting tomorrow: 4pm @ NSCC

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ok, so some of you have been asking me what the dates are of the trip...hmmm.  Not a good sign!  The dates of the trip are July 9-16, (we're leaving on Saturday the 9th in order to make it to WV by 2pm on Sunday).  No more not knowing the dates of you're own mission trip! It looks really really bad!

I love you guys.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Checking in...

Howdy Missionaries!

Time is certainly flying and before you know it, we'll be packing the cars and heading to WV!!  How's everyone doing with the fund raising letters?  I've begun to hear good things, which is very encouraging.  Remember, your letters will be your main funding source.

Be sure to check out the calendar regularly and also look into the new online giving option!  Paperless is soooo the way to go ;)

Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Don't forget our team meeting this Sunday in the youth attic after the congregational meeting.  See you there!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lincoln County

We've been assigned a county!  We'll be working in Lincoln County, West Virgina.  Each group is assigned a center in their county as a "base of operations" which we won't find out specifics on for another couple weeks.  In the mean time, here's some facts about Lincoln:

Lincoln County, WV (census bureau)

Also, I just attended an ASP webinar online and learned all kinds of tasty goodness about our trip that I will share with you at our next meeting on the 15th.  By the way, there is a congregational meeting after church on the 15th, but we'll meet afterwards anyway, so count on around 12:30.  I'll send an email reminder as well.

LETTERS!!!  HAVE YOU MAILED THEM???!!?!?!!?!?!?!

Please don't put them off.  The longer you wait, the less inclined people will be to give (because the diligent people got their money first!)  It's science people!!